Uncovering Neural Mechanisms of Attention

Projects and Developments

Interneuron Contributions To Attention

The dynamic balance between excitation and inhibition is critical for communication within and between brain regions. Inhibitory neurons regulate excitatory neuron activity to fine-tune information representation and decision-making, but each cell type does this differently. We’re interested in how neuron subtypes support the delicate push and pull of neural activity in attention and other types of cognition.

Identifying Disease Biomarkers

Virtually every neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorder presents with attention dysfunction. Using genetic mouse models to explore a range of diseases, we’re looking from synapses to cells to oscillations to better understand how neural activity patterns correlate with attentional state in health and disease.

Linking Cell-Type Activity To Oscillations

EEG recordings offer a non-invasive approach for recording brain activity from mice to humans. Oscillations, or the coordinated activity of large groups of neurons, at specific frequency bands can reflect processing and filtering sensory information. We’re interested in the relationship between these electrical signatures and cell-type specific activity in different attentional states.

Featured Publications

Prefrontal PV interneurons facilitate attention and are linked to attentional dysfunction in a mouse model of absence epilepsy
Thalamic Control of Cognition and Social Behavior Via Regulation of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Signaling and Excitation/Inhibition Balance in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
PV Interneurons: Critical Regulators of E/I Balance for Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders