The Ferguson Lab

Studying cellular and circuit contributions to attention in health and disease

The Ferguson Lab

A Neuroscience Research Lab studying attention, disease biomarkers, and brain oscillations to advance cognitive health and clinical treatments

How do we make choices around guiding our attention?

Attention helps us navigate the dynamic world around us. We seek to identify synaptic, cellular, and circuit principles governing attention and how these principles change in disease. By linking activity patterns from synapses to networks, we hope to inform how we evaluate and approach treatment for attention.

Plans and Projects

We utilize a broad toolkit of systems neuroscience approaches to map cellular and circuit contributions to attention and cognition.

Ferguson Lab Press

Explore publications and media coverage showcasing our research and team.

Unraveling the secret to attention, one brain cell at a time

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Stories of Women In Neuroscience Feature

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Forbes Under 30 - Science

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